Rustic weddings
at the farm

Are you looking for a fabulous place for a romantic, rustic wedding? Somewhere outside the city, close to nature, with lots of space for outdoor celebration? Chefparade Farmhouse is exactly the place you are looking for!

Original wedding

A country farm in a middle of a picturesque village Sukorady offers a great location for rustic style wedding receptions and wedding-related celebrations.


Perfect location
for your big day

Stylish barn

In the centre of the Chefsparade farm, you will find the original farmhouse that we have renovated in order to ensure a fully comfortable, air-conditioned space that combines modern functionality and stylish, country decor. This large barn is surrounded by greenery that provides lots of space for photo sessions, outdoor celebrations, games and a place where the guests can breathe fresh air, have a nice talk or a short walk before coming back to the dancefloor. Thus, the barn together with its surrounding provides a ready scenario for a perfect wedding in the countryside.


Facilities and equipment

Apart from the spacious building with a style, you can use all the equipment and additional facilities available at the farm. Fancy a tasty barbecue or z pizza baked in our outdoor oven during a wedding? No problem. We will help you with organising - and most of all cooking - all of the dishes and what's more, we can even provide your guests with culinary entertainment and games that will make your wedding day an unforgettable experience.

Stay for the night at the farm

A rustic wedding calls for a bit of glamping! And our modern, designer cottages made from recycled shipping containers, are something that surely fits the style of a farm. The cabins can accommodate up to 24 of your wedding guests, the newlyweds (of course), their parents, bridesmaids or groomsmen. A late, relaxed breakfast will be a perfect ending to the wedding and a good moment to plan your honeymoon!

Jedinečný zážitok s tasty


Celá kulinárska show sa nesie v znamení vzájomnej, tímovej interakcie a zábavy. Nebudete teda prípravu jedla iba sledovať ale podľa na mieru zostaveného menu a pod dohľadom profesionálneho kuchára spolu pripravíte lahodné jedlá, ktoré potešia všetky vaše zmysly.


organizácia pre vás

Netrávte hodiny prípravou eventu. Skúsený tím Chefparade sa o všetko postará.

Pod vedením skúsených šéfkuchárov

Naši kuchári vám radi poodhalia pokrievku nad tajomstvami prípravy jedla z rôznych kútov sveta.

Profesionálne a
moderne zariadené štúdiá

Naše štúdiá v Bratislave alebo v Košiciach sú vám plne k dispozícii. Radi za vami prídeme kamkoľvek, chutiam sa predsa medze nekladú.

Máte chuť na niečo špeciálne?

Samozrejmosťou je prispôsobenie celej akcie vašim predstavám vrátane menu, sprievodného programu, trvania a miesta. Neváhajte nás kontaktovať s akoukoľvek požiadavkou a my vám radi pripravíme akciu na mieru presne podľa želania.



Quality and tradition
since 2007 on the Czech market

A unique experience
a combination of flavors, aromas and pleasant company

Experienced chefs
with foreign experience

More than 50 courses
European and world cuisine